1nt - Eddie Kantars bridge tips bidding KANTAR bridge

Brand: 1nt

1nt - When playing the popular 21 GF republik indonesia finance system the 1NT response needs to be addressed In the old days 1NT was 610 But when a 2level response shows about 13 the responder needs to cope with 11 and 12point hands Those are lumped into the 1NT response If partner opens 1 and responder holds say 5 Q 4 2 K Q 10 8 7 A 6 5 2 1NT2D2H2Sreasks3C5Ds4D sets Ds as trump RKCB for Ds Responding with long minor in Weak Notrump Structure Holding a long minor and no four card major then if not GI values transfer using the 2NT or 3C transfer after opener completes transfer pass if weak and bid again if game going or better When you have a long minor and 1 Force the opponents out of an ostensibly comfortable 1NT contract 2 Interfere with their system for finding a better spot than 1NT 3 Help you find a making partscore 4 Help you find a safe partscore that doesnt make but results in a smaller minus than the score you would have received for defending their contract When considering whether to open 1NT treat a five card suit headed by three of the top five honors or two of the top three honors with a 9 thrown in as worth one extra point In other words with 17 HCP and a strong five card suit treat the hand as an 18 point hand Opening 1NT and Responding Carnegie Mellon University LarryCo 1NT Bridge Contest their notrump First of all note that this only applies after partner opens 1NT If partner opens 1 of a suit and rebids 1NT there are di erent methods However an essentially identical structure applies after partner opens 2NT or opens 2and rebids 2NT which is basically the same When responding to 1NT the goal is to determine the slot 633 level and strain Eddie Kantars bridge tips bidding KANTAR bridge 1NT Forcing or SemiForcing Larry Cohen 1NT Pass 7 HCP 2NT 89 HCP 3NT 1015 HCP How to bid as Opener when Responder invites you to game Auction 1NT 2NT Your partner is giving you a choice based on where you are in your range If you have 15 or a poor 16 HCP you have a minimum Pass If you have 17 or a good 16 HCP you have a maximum Bid 3NT Learn how to bid 1NT with a balanced hand and what responses are appropriate for partner Find out the advantages and disadvantages of opening 1NT with a 5card major and the variations of Stayman and Jacoby Transfers 1NT Forcing Bridge Convention Bidding and Responses The 1NT Bridge Convention 1517 points Bidding and Responses After 1NTP2 the opener must bid 3 with a maximum If responder was looking only for minmax he now goes to 3NT If he wanted to play in 3 he passes If he has clubs GF he can now bid a new 3level suit to show shortness After 1NTP2NT the opener can bid 3 with a maximumacceptance and 3 with a minimumrejection PDF Opening 1NT Bids Princeton University Learn how to use 1NT Forcing in the 21 bidding system which shows 612 HCP and is a oneround force See examples of hands openers and responders rebids and variations of the convention 1NT Structure Basic Responses to 1NT Standard Learn Bridge Online An ideal 1NT opening will have 4333 distribution 4 cards in one suit 3 in another but 4432 is fairly common 5332 is an iffy 1NT opening and whether to open 1NT or your suit is mainly a question of hand evaluation that will be dealt with later 6322 and 7222 are technically balanced but cara mengecek rekening bri masih aktif atau tidak are never opened 1NT

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