* 4dp - Learn about 4DP Wahoo Fitness Support obat untuk tenggorokan sakit saat menelan How to Edit Your 4DP Wahoo Fitness Support This 4DP profile is generated after you complete a 60 minutes of fun called the Full Frontal test All of which is then used with their included training plans and videos to give you more specific targets for workouts Said differently its becoming more like a coach than just an app with exciting videos and workout targets IF and TSS with 4DP Wahoo Fitness Support What is the SYSTM Training App Wahoo Fitness The SYSTM FourDimensional Power platform 4DP goes beyond FTP using a comprehensive fitness test to measure how you produce power across a range of intensities and give you unprecedented insight into who you are as an athlete Based upon your results SYSTM assigns you a Rider Type generates your complete 4DP power profile and Power Tests What When and Why Do Them Wahoo Fitness How to get your most accurate Full Frontal Results Wahoo SYSTM Review An Indoor App Like No Other Cyclists Hub Using 4DP to reference our fiveminute power for V02 intervals James would be tasked to target 261 watts and Id be targeting 244 watts Wed find those workouts the same in terms of difficulty and more importantly wed get the correct benefit the workout was designed to provide 4DP allows you to take advantage of a principle that elite coaches and sports scientists have been using for years effective workouts must look beyond FTP to consider an athletes complete power profile Since IF and TSS are dependent only on FTP your completed IF and TSS for a given SYSTM video will likely be different than the Planned SYSTMs 4DP Full Frontal fitness test is the only test that gives you a complete power profile rider type and primary weakness in a single testing session The Half Monty test is the only ramp test in the world that gives you your FTP MAP and LTHR Both tests are based on norovirus rigorous testing both in a lab setting and in the app data Going Beyond Threshold Power The SYSTM 4DP Power Profile Wahoo SYSTM 4DP Rider Profiles According to Wahoo this approach is better than just following your FTP because you will find your strengths and weaknesses and improve them accordingly I took the test and got the following result My 4DP Test Results This was no surprise for me I expected to be a Climber The test was wellguided This is the same test used by The SYSTM in their new FourDimensional Power platform4DP We call it Full Frontal and it reveals what an athlete is capable of across a range of efforts as well as the important relationships between the different ways of producing power on the bike Take for example Maximal Aerobic Power MAP and FTP 4DP and Fitness Assessments Full Frontal and Half Monty How to get your most accurate Full Frontal Results This hourlong test measures your performance across 4 separate maximal efforts to create a comprehensive 4Dimensional Power Profile assign you a rider type and personalize the power targets in your workouts The information and tips The ATHLETE PROFILE tab contains 4DP settings cTHR settings and Rider Type if youve completed the Full Frontal Fitness Assessment Your 4DP settings can be edited from this screen if necessary We recommend completing one of the fitness assessments to get the most accurate settings for your workouts Learn about 4DP Your cTHR and heart rate zones appear below your 4DP settings Full frontal How the Sufferfests 4D power profile can make you faster Your 4DP profile displays your current peak average power in four key metrics Neuromuscular Power NM This 5second power result represents a combination of your raw sprint power and muscular coordination This value is based on your best 5second power across both sprints Yes sprinting on a trainer isnt the same as sprinting outside Handson with The Sufferfests new bendera kazakhstan 4DP Platform DC Rainmaker
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