apologik4d - What is Christian apologetics GotQuestionsorg

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polemics in which the beliefs of a particular Christian church are defended Roman Catholics however Christian Apologetics Past and Present Volume 1 To 1500 A Primary Source Reader 1 Edgar William Oliphint K Scott Aristides Augustine Martyr Justin Athenagoras Irenaeus Tertullian Aquinas Thomas Origen Athanasius Chrysostom John Boethius Abelard Peter Anselm Lull  What is Christian apologetics GotQuestionsorg Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics Powell Doug Answer The English word apology comes from a Greek word which basically means to give a defense Christian apologetics then is the science of giving a defense of the Christian faith There are many skeptics who doubt the existence of God andor attack belief in the God of the Bible Baker Encyclopedia of Christian ApologeticsBaker Reference Library Geisler Norman L on Amazoncom FREE shipping on qualifying offers Baker Encyclopedia of Christian ApologeticsBaker Reference Library Christian Apologetics A Comprehensive Case for 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