berkah 99 - The current position of BERKAH 99 pretty girl artinya is in Singapore Strait with coordinates 105300 10356613 as reported on 20241123 1945 by AIS to our vessel tracker app The vessels current speed is 99 Knots and is currently inside the port of BYAH The vessel BERKAH 99 IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 is a Bulk Carrier that was built in 1999 25 years old Its sailing under the flag of ID BERKAH 99 IMO 9200457 Bulk Carrier Vessel Tracking BERKAH 99 Bulk Carrier IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 Berkah 99 Bulk Carrier IMO 9200457 Marine Vessel Traffic BERKAH 99 IMO 9200457 Flag Indonesia directoryshipfixcom Realtime and current position of BERKAH 99 Bulk Carrier MMSI 525100318 IMO 9200457 on ais live map is in Malacca Strait with coordinates 129133 10324300 and speed 112 knots as reported on 20230130 1126 by AIS live data Track BERKAH 99 IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 a ID Indonesiaflagged Bulk Carrier Stay updated on its position speed and voyage details BERKAH 99 Bulk Carrier IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 Call Sign YBMH2 Vessel BERKAH 99 is a Bulk Carrier Registered in Indonesia Discover the vessels particulars including capacity machinery photos and ownership Get the details of the current Voyage of BERKAH 99 including Position Port Calls Destination ETA and Distance travelled IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 Call sign YBMH2 BERKAH 99 Current Position Bulk Carrier MMSI 525100318 IMO 9200457 The current position of BERKAH 99 is at Indonesia reported 3 days ago by AIS The vessel is en route to BAYAH sailing at a speed of 103 knots and expected to arrive there on Aug 1 0500The vessel BERKAH 99 IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 is a Bulk Carrier built in 1999 25 years old and currently sailing under the flag of Indonesia BERKAH 99 Bulk Carrier Details and current position live draw yogyakarta VesselFinder BERKAH 99 Bulk Carrier Ship IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 MagicPort Ship BERKAH 99 Bulk Carrier Registered in Indonesia MarineTraffic The current position of BERKAH 99 is at coordinates 695271 S 106239 E reported 37 minutes ago by AIS The vessel is en route to the port of Bayah sailing at a speed of 01 knots and expected to arrive there on Oct 8 4 PM The vessel BERKAH 99 IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 was built in 1999 25 years old and is currently sailing under the flag of Indonesia BERKAH 99 IMO 9200457 is a Bulk Carrier registered and sailing under the flag of IndonesiaHer gross tonnage is 26580 and deadweight is 48220BERKAH 99 was built in 1999BERKAH 99 length overall LOA is 18933 m beam is 3095 m Her container capacity is 0 TEU Details for the ship Berkah 99 IMO 9200457 Cargo Ship Position Indonesia with current real time AIS position and ship photos by vesseltrackercom Berkah 99 Cargo Ship IMO 9200457 MMSI 525100318 Callsign YBMH2 Flag Indonesia vesseltrackercom BERKAH 99 vesseltrackercom Presentation of vessel BERKAH 99 built in 1999 25 years old of type Bulk Carrier currently sailing under the flag of Indonesia with IMO number 9200457 MMSI number 525100318 She is under the call sign YBMH2 Find more about size dwt dimensions current position ports of call and voyage information by MaritimeDatabasecom Where is the current position of Berkah 99 presently Vessel Berkah 99 is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Indonesia Her IMO number is 9200457 and MMSI number is 525100318 Main ship particulars are length of 189 m and beam of 30 m Maps below show the following voyage data Present Location NExt port Estimated ETA and Prediced Time of arrival PTA angka udang togel Speed Course Draught Photos
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