com ss android ugc trill - what is comssandroidugcawemepublish rTiktokhelp Reddit Apr kosidah 7 2023 comssandroidugctrill 500 million installs this one isn39t available where I live the Middle East comzhiliaoappmusically one billion installs APK Mirror too releases the two different apps as separate ones What is the difference Dec 15 2022 39 votes 15 comments I am trying to patch other apps like tik tok and the rest using revanced manager Does anyone have a list of apps supposed and Jul 10 2022 I Have BaseApk LanguagSpecific Apk And SplitConfigEnApk I Am Installing It Using Adb Shell Pm InstallCreate And Adb Shell Pm InstallWrite Where We Write These Kind Of Split Apk One By One And Then Commit Them All Using Pm Commit Which version on apps are supposed rrevancedapp Reddit Sep 18 2022 both comzhiliaoappmusically and comssandroidugctrill are the samelatest version i39m in the EU and get the musically one also i don39t know if you can disable ad personalization according to GDPR EU law in the trill one didn39t try Unable to get androidpermissionCLEARAPPUSERDATA How to open specific tiktok video link in Android From this post I was able to create a functionality to redirect user to android or ios from a single link However on detection of Android I joker999 want to open the play store with my app s I39m developing system application which requires special permissions For some reason I can39t get permission CLEARAPPUSERDATA but I can use INSTALLPACKAGES DELETEPACKAGES and others Jun 16 2021 you can get the package name from Google play URL itself it contains the package name for TikTok the package name is comssandroidugctrill so you can use it to open it using the above code I did not test it with TikTok but it39s tested with Instagram so I think the same logic applies Nov 28 2020 DaVinci Resolve is an industrystandard tool for postproduction including video editing visual effects color correction and sound design all in a single application How to know a useragent string for specific android devices android adb failed to install splitconfigenapk Error must Dec 26 2012 The mission is to get some statistics on some of the devices at the webserver side For that I would like to know the useragent string for default browsers on specific Android devices such as Tell me why TikTok uses 2 diffrent packages names rrevancedapp Why are there two TikTok apps on Play Store rTikTok Reddit android Open play store app from futsal ada berapa orang browser link Stack Overflow
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