disetelengkan4d - Interplay of auxin KANADI and Class III HDZIP transcription factors

disetelengkan4d - Interplay of auxin KANADI and Class surogat4d III HDZIP transcription factors Scanning electron micrographs of developing Arabidopsis wildtype a c e g and aberrant testa shape ats b d f hj ovules and seedsIntegument initiation in wildtype a and ats1 b ovules is shown c In wildtype ovules one cell file is evident at the tip of each integument arrows as the outer integument envelops the inner integument and nucellus Class III HDZIP and KANADI gene family members have complementary expression patterns in the vasculature and their gainoffunction and lossoffunction mutants have complementary vascular phenotypes This suggests that members of the two gene families are involved in the establishment of the spatial arrangement of phloem cambium and xylem In this study we have investigated the role of Once the development of both integuments is initiated ABERRANT TESTA SHAPE ATS also known as KANADI 4 is involved in the development of the inner integument and the separation layer between the two integumentsLeonKloosterziel et al 1994 McAbee et al 2006ATS belongs to the GARP gene family McAbee et al 2006 Zhang et al 2009In Arabidopsis there are four KANADI KAN 福建农林大学最新研究洋麻НcKАN4基因在类黄酮合成中的克隆表达及功能论论 A new dominant Wiley Online Library The Plant Journal Wiley Online Library KANADI and Class III HDZip Gene Families Regulate Embryo Patterning Flavonoids are widely distributed in plants and play important roles in human and animal health and nutrition Model plants with discernible flavonoid phenotypes such as Arabidopsis seed patterning lines are valuable tools that can provide avenues for understanding flavonoid and proanthocyanidin accumulation patterns in crops Here we characterize the GARP family gene KAN4 which earlier Publications help Back to Top Riechmann JL et al Arabidopsis transcription factors baju hawai genomewide comparative analysis among eukaryotes Science 2000 2905499 p 210510 PMID11118137 Eshed YBaum SFPerea JVBowman JL Establishment of polarity in lateral organs of plants Curr Biol 2001 1116 p 125160 PMID11525739 LeonKloosterziel KMKeijzer CJKoornneef M A Seed Shape A spatiotemporally regulated transcriptional complex underlies 本研究旨在探究myblike转录因子kan4在肯纤麻中黄酮类化合物合成和纤维发育中的作用研究采用肯纤麻品种富红952为实验材料克隆和分析了hckan4基因的相关表达模式并通过trvvigs诱导沉默hckan4基因研究其对肯纤麻中黄酮类化合物合成途径中关键酶基因表达的影响 Phylogenetic analyses of key developmental genes provide insight into Abstract Embryo patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana is highly affected when KANADI or Class III HDZip genes are compromised Triple lossoffunction kan1 kan2 kan4 embryos exhibit striking defects in the peripheralcentral axis developing lateral leaflike organs from the hypocotyls whereas loss of Class III HDZip gene activity results in a loss of bilateral symmetry ETTIN ARF3 physically interacts with KANADI proteins to form a PlantTFDB Plant Transcription Factor Database CBI PKU Gao Lab KANADI KAN transcription factors promote abaxial cell fate throughout plant development and are required for organ formation during embryo leaf carpel and ovule development ABERRANT TESTA SHAPE ATS or KAN4 is necessary during ovule development to maintain the boundary between the two ovule integuments and to promote inner integument growth Yeast twohybrid assays identified ETTIN ETT Download scientific diagram Identification of the TDNA insertion locus and activated expression of the tagged Arabidopsis KAN4 gene a Southern blot analysis showing only one TDNA insertion Plant accumulates physiological and morphological changes with age Bäurle Dean 2006The gradual transitions in leaf morphology and size allometry that occur along the shoot of a plant are termed as heteroblasty Goebel 1900 Telfer et al 1997 Tsukaya et al 2000 Costa et al 2012Based on the heteroblastic traits the vegetative phase of plant development can be divided into Identification of the TDNA cewe sexy insertion locus and ResearchGate

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