err_name_not_resolved - Fail to resolve docker compose service name from front end

err_name_not_resolved - As if you have taken a tokyo 188 slot rtp shared Hosting Plan then Owner use to Provide their Name Servers to setup in your Domain And in case of VPSDedicated Server you have to create it via WHM Basic Configuration and you also need to create Child Name Server in Domain control with the IP of your VPSDedicated Server socketio 10 error ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Stack Overflow Yet the Console shows Failed to load resource netERRNAMENOTRESOLVED so the browser Chrome was able to figure out what happened How can I get an indication of ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Update I have come back to this question using the strategy that any response that isn39t 39timeout39 means that the name resolved the host answers etc netERRNAMENOTRESOLVED in browser using dockercompose XMLHttpRequest netERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Stack Overflow Android WebView err netNameNotResolved Stack Overflow Perhaps check your firewall settings or try disabling any firewalls you have temporarily to see if that helps I39m getting ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED from my website When I try to reach my website I get the following error ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Although when I reach the website through S3 static website hosting it39s working Any ideas EDIT Route53 I have one A record that traffics to idcloudfrontnet I have one NS record that traffics to 4 NS URLs I have one SOA record I sampul buku aesthetic have one CNAME record Kubernetes ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Stack Overflow As David Maze commented The browser isn39t in a container and can39t see the Dockernetwork host names This also extends to your frontend application even if its code is served from a container the actual application runs in the browser and outside of Docker Fail to resolve docker compose service name from front end Currently there are two blatant errors that I can find They are probably not the root of the problem but they are as far as my limited debugging experience can take me ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED NOTE I have looked at socketio ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED and it was not entirely useful since that user had a typo by using http instead of http However when connecting to my website I receive an error netERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Changed the loadUrl with a popular website like Googlecom and it worked just fine My website works fine from Google Chrome on dekstop etc just not in WebView ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED error on running the webapp on localhost Kubernetes ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Ask Question Asked 5 years 4 months ago Modified 3 years 7 months ago dns cpanel solve ERRNAMENOTRESOLVED Stack Overflow Hi I39m new to using docker for development I39m trying to communicate from frontend react to jerawat batu di pipi the backend expressjs here

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