event for add slot holding ck2 - An event that fires 50 days scaffolding adalah after a Great Work features completion that grants a holding slot to the Great Works province The trigger conditions at the time of features completion are At Peace Not inaccessible eg being in hiding prevents this from happening Great Work Stage I Construction was completed at least 50 years ago Holdings Crusader Kings II Wiki Is there a different event to add building slots to a county Reddit Is it possible to create more Holding slots AGOT Holdings Compatible for V21 and More Bloodlines event id Crusader Kings II General Discussions Steam Community The tldr is being an independent realm high stewardship up to 18 high learning up to 18 a level 4 education trait diligent trait and one of administrator gardener scholar or architect lifestyle trait all make the event more common All this assumes that the county is booming has crown focus and fewer than 7 holding slots This mod enables the event that adds building slots the event has a mean time to happen every 63 years Only thing Id add is that in the More Bloodlines version you may want to take the CarcosaMBStxt from More Bloodlines and add more holdings to those provinces A Game of Thrones is a user modification for Crusader Kings II not Great works Crusader Kings II Wiki any way to increase the chance of the holding slot event Reddit If I remember correctly there is a way but its very expensive luckbased and therefore unreliable If you have Reapers Due and get the province to Prosperity level 3 with a Crown Focus placed there there is a yearly chance for an event that creates a new slot for 250 of yearly income So this game is more about growing wide than tall From Crusader Kings II Wiki As mentioned before it is also possible to get a holding slot through an event called A Town is Born associated with a local great work To get this event chord lagu cinta stadium akhir the ruler must not be at war the great work must be at least 50 years old and the great work must have at least two upgrades Temples add pietyto Go and start building something in that empty holding slot so that all holding slots are occupied Once you close the message the new castle holding is added in a new holding slot even though there are no holding slots available I didnt know that but it doesnt surprise me at all Lots of ways to throw a wrench in the works of CK2 Pretty sure there is a random event for lunatic characters where you build a Glass Statue and that gives the county 1 slot Unless they removed that Its pretty specific though I agree Edit Correction its a decision that arises from an event requiring you to be a lunatic and distinguished fame The normal event RIP11705 to reclaim land and open a new land holding slot does not appear to work with the mod Is there a different event ID for an event to add land in this mod Archived post Is there a way to increase the number of holding slots Opening up more slots in county Crusader Kings II General Discussions Add more holdings during in progress game Crusader Kings II General The Wiki has more details on this here ck2paradoxwikiscom VipreRX I dont think Business has any effect on holdings Rulership can give you a chance to build a discounted castle but that is in an already empty holding slots I dont think there are any focuses that can give you new holding slots anyone know the event id or even requirments for more holding slots in my previous save i got the event 4 times in my captial wich made it to a 6slot province Crusader Kings II General Discussions Topic Details Strum May 8 2017 949am event id anyone know the event id or even requirments for more holding dimakan slots in my previous
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