funky town gore - Which video is more unpleasant to watch Funky Town or Ghost

funky town gore - A horrifying gore video that surfaced toko baju renang around 20162017 It shows a man with his face flayed hands cut off and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him so he feels the pain while Sweet Child O39 Mine and later Funkytown are playing in the background Those of you who have seen the infamous Funkytown gore video So I39ve been crawling through the rabbit hole that is the Funkytown Gore video Honestly this started with me trying to figure out the Spanish rap song that we hear playing in the beginning of the video but the results I came about instead still yielded some interesting results Theres a Plagued Moth Twitter post of revisiting Funkytown Gore the video is censored of course but you can hear a cutting noise so that might be the reason he has no face and just a bloody skull without eyes so maybe after they flayed his face off and cut off his hands to the wrist theyve mightve gouged his eyes out by something Funky town gore was disgusting but nothing i wont get over Its not that it wasnt disturbing it just was expected and was generic I DO NOT WATCH GORE BUT AGAIN IT LOOKED LIKE A MOVIE Anyway I was okay with most of it BUT SEEING THAT GODDAMN SWORD SLOWLY POINT DOWN HIS FUCKING JAW AND HE DIDNT EVEN FINISH IT JUST WENT HALFWAY THRU LIKE Funky Town Victim rNarcoFootage Reddit I regret watching funky town gore rVent Reddit i just found about the funkytown gore video rTrueOffMyChest I know funky town is a cartel video or torture video or some kind of gore I wanna understand what Sem is saying in Haunted Mound Reapers but foto terjelek di dunia do not want to see the actual video could someone explain to me what it is what happens in it and why it39s significant and not the song featured in the hit motion picture Shrek 2 Mcnutt39s video is beginner39s level in gore world Infact sucide videos shouldn39t give you trauma because you know the person is dying at his own will and they all are quick deaths Videos which traumatize people are the ones where the victim is alive conscious and is being tortured in the worst ways possible Funky town Gore rNSFL Reddit Funky town Gore Request search for the vid Just search for funky town A video was posted like a I used AI on the Funkytown video to translate what they39re Anyway since then the funky town video has been the reference point of any gore video i have seen pre watching it and after as well So yh funky town is definitely top of the list for me No other video matches the shit i saw in that video literally still remember the guys hoarse screams and the stumps where his hands used to be were squirting Which video is more unpleasant to watch Funky Town or Ghost What39s the backstory behind the infamous Funkytown video Could someone explain Funky Town without showing me the video Many people on this sub will have seen or at least know of the titular Funky Town video Needless to say it is truly harrowing footage which made me despair for humanity even more than Threads but I found one of the most disturbing mysteries of the film to be the purported identity of the victim that he was one of the unfortunate men lost in membuat banner di hp the 2014 Iguala kidnapping

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