galvanometer - hi im searching for a galvanometer wawangsalan sunda in multisim 10 i cant seem to find one Has anyone an idea of an alternative please How to add Ammeter in LT Spice Schematic The metal sphere is 3 ft diameter 240v 60a input produces 12 ft long sparks sound is in time with the sparks I am only 30 ft away Power Electronics Technology June 2006 BuckConverter Design Demystifi ed Electronics Forum Circuits Lightning machine fix Electronics Forum Circuits Projects and reversed in the galvanometer where the lowest ESR value makes the needle move the farthest What follows is my own version of an ESR meter which I have built and works fine although I am always improving my designs so I do not consider it final quite yet But it works fine However a few weeks later they had us dropping a magnet in a coil and watching a galvanometer go 39weeeeeee39 so I was just just sat staring at it marga and the lecturer came up and asked me what I was doing I replied I wasn39t doing 39this load of crap39 and that I did it back at school when I was 11 and that this was supposed to be a technicians Try pressing the ALT key then hovering over the wire This turns the voltage probe into a current probe This should work Help building a o5v input 5v to 5v output circuit galvanometer Electronics Forum Circuits Projects and problem with crt lg tv Electronics Forum Circuits Projects I was deported from the USA Hi I am trying to drive a galvonometer that takes 5v input signal I was told it could be done using a DAC chip output to an opamp chip The Opamp I was recomended to use is a TL082CN which is a dual JFET chip I think I have the DAC part of the circuit down but I need ukuran tinggi ring bola basket adalah help taking the DAC
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