gcam nikita v2 - Config Files for Nikita s NGCam erek erek telur ayam 8182 Celso Azevedo GCam Nikita 74 v20 juga memiliki tampilan UI yang lebih baru serta mendukung import konfigurasi atau config sehingga pengguna GCam dapat berbagai file config ke pengguna lain Bagi kamu yang mengetahui link download GCam Nikita 20 langsung saja simak di bawah ini All versions from Nikita Settings Config Files for Nikitas NGCam 8182 Changelog Source Based on GCam 82300 Changelog Added viewfinder button for frames count Added new AWB Thanks Arnova8G2 Added long tap on thumbnail button Added themed icon for Android 13 Added additional package names Google Camera 81 by Nikita nickpl13 v12 Based on GCam 81101 Changelog Added Auxiliary Camera support AUX Added separated settings for each lens Added manual focus settings and slider Added custom libs by r0m10 and UserX Added formats for resolution without Pixel Binning Added new apps in Social Share Telegram Web and Catogram Optimized GCam for Google What is Gcam Nikita 20 Apk Gcam Nikita 20 Apk is a recently released advanced android application developed focusing smartphone users The reason for structuring the app file is to provide the best alternative software That allows mobile users to get some of the best professional pictures using the same resources Nikita NGCam82300v18 Celso Azevedo The GCam Nikita also known as NGCam is a popular Google Camera GCam especially NGCam74104v20 mod developed by a modder named Nikita Ploschadnov Videos for Gcam Nikita V2 Nikita GCam Telegram Nikitas 74 v20 NGCam74104v20 Nikita 20201206 configs NGCam74104v19 Nikita 20201114 configs NGCam74104v18fix Nikita 20201019 configs Nikita GCam Gcam Nikita 20 Apk Download For Android Google Camera If GCam doesnt work well on your phone try one of these configs created by the community NikitaV20Biasa1xml Realme GT Explorer Master Telegram Contact ngcam This will help you to solve some issues if you faced it on the device I cannot test GCam eg if your shutter button is broken I suggest you to try isDefaultsLite config isDefaultsLite seems to be better on all devices Google Camera 74 by Nikita nickpl13 v17 Based on BSG and Arnova8G2 GCam 74104 Changelog Improved NoiseModeler and fixed noise grain and blur Added latest opmodes Thanks Arnova8G2 Added AUX device models and NoiseModeler Thanks overwhelmer Added exposure compensation for AUX Added Resampling for sensors without Sabre Thanks onFire Replaced Pixel Binning Nikita GCam Telegram Latest Nikita GCam Apk Download with Config Files MOST STABLE GCAM FOR MOTO G40G60 NIKITA 74 GCAM Nikita GCam 25 773 subscribers NGCam Google Camera modification Chat ngcamchat Channel XML ngcamxml Contact nickpl13bot Web Page Dont blame vitamin peninggi badan Google if something doesnt work after all this is not the official app Keep in mind that GCam isnt open source so its hard or even impossible to add new features Additional information How to use this port Useful files links etc FAQs and troubleshooting tips Im not a developer Nikita GCam APKs Google Camera Port Celso Azevedo Download GCam Nikita NGCam NGCam74104v20 GCam Nikita Apk Download Gcam Nikita v20 releasing a few months ago As a Gcam apk user Gcam Nikita will give you a new experience Here we provide full guidelines about GCam Nikita Apk Before getting GCam Nikita Apk you have to know how to use Nikita Camera apk Gcam Nikita 20 Download NGCam 74 APK Download Config TerupdateGcam Lmc 84 Config Pixel Colour V2 Google Camera Ports Download Celso Azevedo Nikita Google Camera Port The Google Cam or well known as the GCam APK mod is one of the best camera app available for Android phones Which is the default Camera available on Pixel Phones developed by Google but now this can be installed on almost all Android phones Kelebihan kamera Nikita ini juga datang dari segudang fitur yang mampu memanjakan penggunanya Lantas fitur apa saja yang didapatkan Berikut ini daftar fitur pada aplikasi GCam Nikita yang bisa kamu nikmati 1 Night 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