halus - Halus Wikipedia

Brand: halus

halus - Bubuk halus Fine powder of a erek erek rumah kebakaran spirit invisible Derived terms edit kehalusan memperhalus menghalusi menghaluskan penghalus penghalusan Ia ingin menghindari asosiasi dalam literatur era Victoria tentang peri atau makhluk halus yang nakal yang sering dipandankan dengan kata tersebut elf dan berusaha untuk menunjukkan makhluk yang lebih berkembang yang memiliki kekuatan magis yang mengesankan dalam mitologi Teutonik mulamula Oxford English Dictionary viz bahasa Inggris Kuno ælf dari ProtoJermanik alboz Discover Halus Stories bespoke handcrafted jewelry made for your special moments From wedding pieces to custom designs each creation tells a unique story Explore our rings headpieces necklaces and more crafted with care and elegance Start creating your perfect piece today Halus Power Systems is North Americas leading midsize wind turbine supplier For well over two decades we have have been supplying midsize turbines throughout the USA and world Depending on project needs in addition to turbine supply we can help with project tasks if needed from permitting engineering project management utility Remanufactured Wind Turbines Halus Power Systems Halus may refer to Oryx an ancient town in Arcadia also known as Halus Aλοῦς Halos Thessaly Ἅλος an ancient town in Phthiotis Halus is a Malay word that means smooth fine delicate refined subtle or sophisticated It can also be used as a verb to mean to refine to make more perfect or to cheat halus maksud di Kamus Bahasa Melayu Dia menulis tentang kekuatan saya kelemahan dan saransaran halus untuk perbaikan mengutip insideninsiden khusus dan memegangkan cermin pada kehidupan saya English words for halus include fine delicate refined finely subtle balky and finegrained Find more Malay words at wordhippocom halus Wiktionary the free dictionary What does halus mean in Malay WordHippo What does halus mean Information and translations of halus in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web Login The STANDS4 Network Translation of halus into English delicate gentle soft are the top translations of halus into English Sample translated sentence Ini adalah kisah kotor putri tidak berpadanan untuk telinga halus Its a sordid tale princess not fit for your delicate ears HALUS English translation Cambridge Dictionary HALUS Translation in English babla English words for halus include smooth fine gbwhatsapp prime subtle delicate refined soft small fluffy sleek and tender Find more Indonesian words at wordhippocom Arti Kata Halus Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Halus adalah kata Bahasa Melayu yang berarti halus lembut suci atau mendalam Lihat contoh penggunaan halus dalam kalimatkalimat yang diambil dari sumbersumber terkini halus adalah kata yang memiliki banyak maksud dan aksara di dalam bahasa Melayu Ia dapat menunjukkan kecil lembut teliti bersopansantun sempurna dan lainlain Lihat contoh penggunaan halus dalam kalimat dan kata yang berkaitan What does halus mean in English If you want to learn halus in English you will find the translation here along with other translations from Malay to English You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce halus in English and how to read it We hope this will help you in learning languages Halus Stories Halus Store Kata halus memiliki berbagai arti seperti lumat lembut sopan beradab dan bermutu Lihat contoh penjelasan dan kata terkait halus di kamus besar bahasa Indonesia Halus is an adjective that means smooth fine delicate or subtle in Indonesian It can also be a noun that means silt or fine sand and mud halus in English MalayEnglish Dictionary Glosbe Entries where halus occurs rata kasar the surface is not smooth is rough Synonyms datar pelat mulus halus rata Italian Noun rata fem instalment Anagrams atra tara rata euphemism eifēmisms fem Macedonian еуфемизам masc Malay bahasa halus Mongolian цээрлэл Norwegian Bokmål Halus in English Halus Meaning and Malay to English Translation HALUS Translation in English babla halus Indonesian meaning translation WordSense Meaning of halus in the Malay dictionary educalingo halus Bahasa Inggris terjemahan Kamusnet Halus Wikipedia Halus is an adjective in Malay that means delicate fine slender not intense not coarse ethereal light and delicate merest very small or insignificant infinitesimal extremely small See examples and browse by letters in the babla dictionary What does halus mean in Indonesian WordHippo halus Malay definition grammar pronunciation synonyms What does halus mean Definitionsnet halus in English IndonesianEnglish Dictionary Glosbe How to say halus in English Find more about halus the meaning of halus and translation of halus from Indonesian cekau4d to English on Kamusnet

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