happy holiday - Generally though with less important events situs slot zeus gratis it is best to use 39Good39 eg Good night but for more important events like a holiday or birthday it is best to use happy eg Happy birthday happy holidays Happy and good are used almost exclusively in greetings and most people only use merry as a greeting in 39Merry Christmas39 Wishing Merry Christmas or Happy New Year on Dec 28th Holidays or holiday English Language Learners Stack Exchange Why is it Merry Christmas instead of Happy Christmas How to reply to I hope you have enjoyed your holiday The statement sounds like it is about the holiday you just had in the past in which case you could respond with Thank you I did or Thank you I had a lovely holiday If instead the statement is about a holiday you will have in the future then Thanks for the kind words would be acceptable though a little bit formal Alternatively politeness How to reply a Happy New Year email English Can you reply you too to wishes such as Good luck It is not the case that holiday implies a single day vacation and that holidays implies a multiday vacation you can absolutely go on a two week holiday to Morocco and say Happy Holidays to an American colleague who is only taking a single day39s vacation over Christmas perhaps because you both work in a hospital and cannot take leave politeness What is a polite way to return a greeting like Well it used to be a nice way of saying Have a Happy Christmas I am saying it early in case we don39t communicate again before the event which is quite likely as I am going on holiday early but don39t want to tell you the client that But it has been PCed to happy healthy and safe holiday in case someone is contoh jadwal pelajaran offended by Christmas Happy New Year to you and yours when you want to extend the wishes to the other person39s family Many happy returns although primarily used nowadays to mark a birthday as also an acceptable response to Merry Christmas and Happy New Year The sentiment itself is issued the hope that a happy day being marked would recur many more times word usage Happy Holidays or Happy Holiday English Language On the 28th Christmas has passed so say I hope you39ve had a great Christmas It39s conventional to reference the next upcoming holiday in goodbyes if the holiday is near so saying Happy New Year39s would be best since that39s the next coming up holiday on the 28th You can say Have a good holiday or Enjoy your holiday as a general expression before the start of someone39s holiday In British English a holiday can mean a school break or a vacation You can use Have a good X for most things that you hope could be good X could be meal evening out sleep or holiday for example You39re asking what to write It depends How well do you know this person How important are the office politics Whether the email was merely a formality or a genuine interest and greeting You could just reply to the information requested in the email and finish off with saying Lest I forget happy 2020 to you and to all your loved ones I39m baffled at this expression If I don39t talk to you For instance if someone wishes you a Happy Birthday it39s nonsensical to say 39You too39 unless they happen to share the same birth date If someone wishes you 39Merry Christmas39 it39s a reasonable assumption that they are Christian or that they do at least recognize and celebrate the Christmas holiday so it39s fine to dinosaurus jogja respond with 39you too
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