how to open 3rd slot in pes 2013 - So Konami have removed PES Shop ciprofloxacin of old and implemented it into ML Whats key to remember is that each element purchased can only be assigned to one player Also some elements last for a set amount of time like a season Each player in ML now has an Item menu which allows 3 slots plus a boot slot How to I unlock the 3rd item slot for a player in PES 2013 Arqade NATURAL Cara Membuka Slot ke3 Di Pes 2013 I am coming to the end of my first season in become a legend mode and several seasons into master leaguemode and I have noticed all the players have a 3rd locked item slot for additional skills and training boost items How can I unlock this for my become a legend player and for all players in general Kamis 07 Maret 2013 Cara Membuka Slot ke3 Di Pes 2013 Cara Membuka Slot Equipping Item Slot 3 Di Pes 2013 Bagi anda yang bermain ML Master League dan BAL Become a Legend di PES 2013 pasti sangat membutuhkan slot ke3 di equipping item namun yang terbuka hanya ada dua nah disinilah gunanya tools yang akan saya bagikan Download hereuploadednetfilemxms2n3gorwwwrapidsharecomfiles1267523207PES2013 ITEM EDITORzipFor more pc games visit httpwwwpcgareqcomWhere you PES 2013 Unlock third item in master league YouTube Sebelumnya saya sudah membahas tentang Cara Ganti Lagu Pes 2013 dan sekarang saya akan membahas tentang Cara Buka Slot Ketiga Football Life di Pes 2013Mungkin dari kalian ada yang bermain master league atau become a legend dan kesulitan untuk membuka slot terakhir equipping items nah kali ini kamu dapat membukanya dengan cepat dan mudah simak langkahnya berikut ini Cara Buka Slot Ketiga Football Life di Pes 2013 Blogger HOW TO UNLOCK THE 3RD ITEM SLOT IN EQUIPMENT jawa hokokai ITEMS PES2013 and to unlock consumable items Many Gamers are wondering how to unlock the 3rd Item Slot in PES2013 Actually eone knows that and cant afford to play according to various posts you got to play Major League Online MLO of more than 300 games to Unlock that slot but there is an Download PES 2013 Item Editor httpwwwmediafirecomdownloadd02xz6hxkpz0x71PES2013ITEMEDITORzip Welcome and i had a problem with it and i had the impression if i win many titles offline i will unlock the 3rd but in the end a bonus needed from online playing I cant suggest you a tool to do it because im afraid the possibility to have a trojan inside but search around the net you will find Enter the slot number of the kit 3 Select the folder with ga gb pa pb 4 The program will pack these folders to the bins and copy to clipboard the configuration which can be pasted on the Strip tab of the UE PES 2013 Editor v20 how to use open option file EDITbin FAME is DAME Blogger Master League new feature Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 GameFAQs 3rd Equipping Item Slot PESGaming How to Unlock Slot Equipping Item Slot 3 In Pes 2013 YouTube How to Unlock Master League Third Item Slot In PES 2013 Blogger PES2013 Herramientas Tools PES Data Center The third item slot in PES 2013 master league mode is locked by default If you want to unlock the third item slot without having to play and win a lot of matches here is an easy way to do that Use PES 2013 ITEM EDITOR Unlocking the third item slot helped each players in my team to get overall rating over 90 You can bet88score even get your player
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