how to remove item showcase steam slot empty - 4 Type in this command SetShowcaseConfig3 blackpink wallpaper 4k 0 0 if you want to edit items in your Item Showcase and this command SetShowCaseConfig4 0 0 if you want to edit items in your Items Up For Trade 5 For example I have 10 items in my item showcase right now I want to remove the 8th 9th and the 10th last one items removing achievements from showcase rSteam Reddit how can i have empty slots in my item showcase Help and Tips How to Add and Change the Showcase Feature on Your Steam Profile go where u edit the showcase right click inspect at the top where u see Elements Console click console paste this SetShowcaseConfig2 0 X 0 X the slot u want removed BUT 1 so if u want to remove the first slot u will put 0 press enter make sure u save the changes and refresh go where u edit the showcase right click inspect at the top where u see Elements Console click console paste this SetShowcaseConfig2 0 X 0 X the slot u want removed BUT 1 so if u want to remove the first slot u will put 0 press enter make sure u save the changes and refresh Can you no longer remove items from the Item Showcase I Reddit The Workshop Showcase is a great way for people to showcase their favorite Workshop creations on Steam People can select up to five items to showcase on their profile Problem is after you fill all five slots you can only change the items and not remove them Theres literally just no button to go back to having gaji koperasi per bulan a blank slot for example i put it like this httpsigyazocomedeea0335460b667aae7db753239f132png but they still show up right next to eachother please help How to remove a game from the Completionist showcase A button to remove featured games from your game collector showcase I was trying to create a Workshop Showcase for my profile but one of the items went down in the showcase and i have total 5 slots now the 4 normal ones and one below and i cant find any way to acctualy delete that part im stuck with 5 slots How to remove items from Item Showcase Help and Tips Steam Community Learn how to add and change the showcase feature on your Steam ProfileJoin my Steam Group httpsteamcommunitycomgroupsGeniusPieTrapRemoving Items from Join my Steam Group httpsteamcommunitycomgroupsGeniusPieTrapSteam Showcase tutorial httpsyoutubeE53UstjrKkoMore Steam Tutorials httpswwwyou How do i remove an item from Workshop Showcase Removing Items from Steam Item Showcase YouTube Hey if you dont want to deal with using the console to remove it and since you have the 4th slot as well make it an artistic thing on your profile Move the second ChernobyLite over to the bottom right slot and put CoD MW2 on the bottom right Replace YOURID with your Steam profile ID and 0 after slot with the item slot you want to clear 0 being the first item slot from the left There was no official way to remove items from the Item Showcase actually The only workaround was by adding a marketable item to the item showcase and then sell to the market Or crafttrade How to remove an item from your 1 digit berapa Workshop Showcase Steam Solo
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