how to save different slot thronebreaker - PSA There is only one save in Thronebreaker rwitcher Reddit

how to save different slot thronebreaker - Guide Choices and Consequences Steam Community nama panggilan bayi laki laki Thronebreaker is a strategy RPG that uses the best ever gamewithinagame Gwent as its core mechanic To reinforce the weight of those decisions you have a single save that the game constantly overwrites at each decision point I have great misgivings about this mechanic and not just because it makes writing a comprehensive walkthrough JUBY123 Actually you can after you finish the whole story just go to the save data and there will be a slot shows you completed the story under the slot there will be a option button to let you choose to go back to the previous chapter Hello friends So we got this game Its really fun I played it a bunch now she wants to try it out But it looks like there is only save slot or Load Game Select a save RETURN TO Choose a chapter you want to return to IMPORTANT Your save will be overwritten after you choose to go back Eg If you choose to return to Lyria the first chapter your save will load from the beginning of the Lyria chapter Upon completing Thronebreaker I now see that the player can select a new save card or overwrite the previous one when starting anew I would like to ask if anyone knows how to disable autosave feature or at least how do you save your game into a different slot as a backup should something go wrong like missing a secondary objective in PSA There is only one save in Thronebreaker rwitcher Reddit Next Thronebreaker has a rather strict save policy no manual saving other than to exit the game and the one save slot per game it does have is overwritten immediately following any choice thus preventing you from exploring alternate options without replaying the whole game or at least kenangan terindah that was the designers intention No Manual save just suck to a whole different level for other language I missed a chestwant to check a different story choice Can I load a Thronebreaker How To Save Geek Reply Having an option to save doesnt prevent ppl to play in ironman mode Having a game with different path forcing you to play the whole game to explore different possibilities is bad game design and we can be glad it mostly a thing of the past Lots of ppl used your argument back in the 90 when save battery where a new thing rthronebreaker on Reddit Can both me and my wife play this game on Thronebreaker Suggestion Option to Save Without ExitingSave Forums Thronebreaker The Witcher Tales Walkthrough Guide GameFAQs Anyone knows if you can reload thronebreaker from a particular save location Question Missed a quest because chose wrong line by accident Wanted to reload but it saved after the dialogue finished so the only way to actually do that quest is to start a new game So when I reloaded I picked a different dialogue to see what would happen Anyone knows if you can reload thronebreaker from a particular save Can you go back to previous areas page 1 Forum GOGcom Thronebreaker Manual Save However there are instances where the game wont autosave and luckily there is something that you can do just in case youre not sure In the games menu there is an option to save the game and quit to the main menu saving everything thing you did up to your most recent action To create a permanent save point from here go to CUsersuserAppDataLocalLowCDProjektREDThronebreakerSaveData There will be multiple files in there just sort by newest The one you want is CAMPAIGNSAVENorthernRealmsSlot0Snapshotsteamuserid not CAMPAIGNSAVENorthernRealmsSlot0 make a copy of amendemen4d that name it something

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