jujah4d - Mujāhidīn Oxford Reference

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jujah4d - Mujahideen Definition Meaning History Facts Britannica film fast five sub indo Plural of mujahid one who engages in jihad The term does not have a necessary connection with war In literal terms it means one who struggles on behalf of Islam The Taliban Confront the Realities of Power The New Yorker Mujahideen or Mujahidin Arabic مجاهدين romanized mujāhidīn is the plural form of mujahid Arabic مجاهد romanized mujāhid lit strugglers or strivers doers of jihād an Arabic term that broadly refers to people who engage in jihad lit struggle or striving for justice right conduct Godly rule etc interpreted in a jurisprudence of Islam mujahideen members of a number of guerrilla groups operating in Afghanistan during the Afghan War 197892 that opposed the invading Soviet forces and eventually toppled the Afghan communist government Rival factions thereafter fell out among themselves precipitating the rise of one faction the Taliban and an opposing coalition the Northern Alliance SovietAfghan War 19791989 First Afghan Civil War 19891992 Gulf War 1991 Organizations Peshawar Seven Sunni Groups Jamiati Islami Hezbe Islami Gulbuddin Hezbi Islami Khalis Islamic Union for the Liberation of Afghanistan His full nickname is often written as Mujahid bin Jabir Maula AsSaib bin Abi AsSaib AlMakhzumi AlQurayshThe Nisba of alMakhzumi were because he was a servant of someone from the Banu Makhzum tribe5Mujahid is said to have studied under Amir alMuminin Ali ibn Abi Talib until his martyrdom At that point he began to study under Ibn Abbas a companion of Muhammad known as the Mujahideen Wikipedia Mujāhidīn Oxford Reference A mujahid Arabic مجاهد mujāhid is one who struggles for the sake of Allah and IslamThe literal meaning of Mujahid is struggler or striver and dunia slot 77 login common in Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian names The plural form of mujāhid is mujāhidūn in standard Arabic but the colloquial or dialectal form mujāhidīn alternately spelled mujahideen is more frequently encountered Mujahidin Encyclopediacom Mujahid Wikiquote MUJAHIDIN Mujahidin mojahidin is the plural form of the Arabic term mujahid who is a person who wages jihad According to doctrinal and historical applications of Islamic law jihad indicates military action for the defense or expansion of IslamWhile in the course of Islamic history the term mujahidin has been used by different groups to identify their struggles to defend Islam the term Who Were the Mujahideen of Afghanistan ThoughtCo In 2001 when the Americanled invasion forced out the Taliban the Afghan capital was a forlorn place much of it in ruins after more than two decades of Soviet occupation and civil war Afghanistan History Meaning Significance Britannica Afghan mujahideen Wikipedia mujahideen in its broadest sense Muslims who fight on behalf of the faith or the Muslim community ummahIts Arabic singular mujāhid was not an uncommon personal name from the early Islamic period onward The term did not gain popular currency as a collective or plural noun referring to holy warriors until the 18th century in India where it became associated with Islamic revivalism The word mujahideen comes from the same Arabic root as jihad which means struggleThus a mujahid is someone who struggles or someone who fights In the context of Afghanistan during the late 20th century the mujahideen were Islamic warriors defending their country from the Soviet Union which invaded Afghanistan in 1979 and fought a bloody war there for a decade jaringan indosat hari ini lemot Mujahid ibn Jabr Wikipedia

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