kolegial4d - Collegial is an adjective describing a lembah manah artinya work environment where responsibility and authority is shared equally by colleagues You know you work in a collegial environment when your coworkers smile at you and you dont have to hide from your supervisor Sharing its origins with college and colleague collegial has senses relating to both words kollegial translation in English GermanEnglish Reverso We work together collegially We combine a narrow specialisation experience typical for solo practitioners with advantages of multi personal team Kolegia School Manager es la plataforma educativa y de gestión escolar total integral la más completa Sin duda alguna tu mejor opción Con nuestra app mejorará aún más la imagen que su escuela proyecta en el mercado con un valor agregado único kolegial Wiktionary the free dictionary Pengertian Kolega dan Contoh Penggunaan Yang Tepat Home KOLEGIAL kancelaria prawna KOLLEGIAL translate kind and considerate like a good coworker good coworkers Learn more in the Cambridge GermanEnglish Dictionary Define collegial collegial synonyms collegial pronunciation collegial translation English dictionary definition of collegial adj 1 Full of or conducive to good will among colleagues friendly and respectful an office with a collegial atmosphere 2 a Characterized by or having Berdasarkan Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Kelima pengertian kolega atau kolega n adalah sebagai teman sejawat atau bisa juga sebagai kawan sepekerjaan Sementara itu hampir mirip seperti Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia menurut etymonlinecom kata kolega memiliki arti sebagai rekan di kantor pekerjaan hingga tenaga kerja Along with chess matches San Quentin is hosting kickball tournaments and flag football games as a way to foster more collegial relations In private however they were often friends or at the least collegial with one another Director Tony Goldwyn opens his family dramedy Ezra in the warm collegial comfort of a comedy club Apa itu kolegial Pengertian kolegial dan definisinya dalam Kepemimpinan Muhammadiyah memiliki tipikal khusus yakni mengembangkan kepemimpinan kolektifkolegial Kepemimpinan dipegang dan dijalankan secara bersama oleh tiga belas anggota terpilih oleh musyawarah yang dibingkai secara organisasi COLLEGIAL Definition Meaning Dictionarycom KEPEMIMPINAN DALAM MUHAMMADIYAH BAGIAN 3 SISTEM DAN TANTANGAN Arti kata kolegial Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI Online Collegial Definition Meaning Synonyms Vocabularycom 129 Synonyms Antonyms for COLLEGIAL perawatan bintitan Thesauruscom of relating to or ruled by colleagues possessing adherence to the ethos standards and conduct that govern behavior among colleagues within a given organization or profession collegial comparative more collegial superlative most collegial Of relating to or ruled by colleagues Roman Catholicism Ruled by bishops having equal power Of or relating to a college or its students collegiate Pengertian kolegial dan definisinya dalam Glosarium Apa itu judul merujuk pada istilah yang memiliki makna dan signifikansi tertentu Untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai istilah ini silakan merujuk pada tabel di bawah ini Tabel tersebut menyediakan penjelasan sederhana mengenai arti makna dan maksud dari judul KOLLEGIAL in English Cambridge Dictionary Collegial definition of collegial by The Free Dictionary Bei kollegial handelt es sich um ein absolutes Adjektiv das semantisch keine Steigerung erlaubt im 17 Jahrhundert von lateinisch collegialis zunächst als kollegialisch kollegial nur in Zusammensetzungen Die Nummerierung bezieht sich auf die verschiedenen Bedeutungen Definisiarti kata kolegial di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI adalah kolégial a bersifat seperti teman sejawat sepekerjaan atau akrab seperti te Recent Examples of collegial For the justices heres to a more collegial culture at work Kolegia School Manager The meaning of COLLEGIAL is collegiate How to use collegial in a sentence Pengaruh employee engagement terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT Sinar Kencana Multi Lestari KOLEGIA Fakultas Ekonomi Unuversitas Muhammadiyah Aceh 6 1 4556 Pengaruh Rasio Likuiditas of or characterized by the collective responsibility shared by each of a group of colleagues with minimal supervision from above First recorded in 130050 Middle English word from Latin word collēgiālis See college al 1 Allzu oft war unser Ansatz mehr individuell als kollegial und brüderlich Too often our preparation has been individual rather than collegial fraternal Mit seinen Artgenossen ist er friedlich und kollegial With his own kind he is peaceful and collegial Zeigt sich absolut kollegial anderen Pferden gegenüber kollegial Bedeutung Definition Wortbedeutunginfo KOLEGIAL Google Scholar COLLEGIAL English meaning Cambridge Dictionary COLLEGIAL Synonyms 83 Similar and Opposite Words Merriam COLLEGIAL definition 1 relating to a friendly relationship between colleagues people who work together 2 used to Learn more 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