legato - notation Is there a difference between a slur and legato

Brand: legato

legato - piano Tenuto legato and staccato on kode hk jitu the same note Music As the piece progresses the lefthand is also intended to be sempre legato except in the couple of places where notes are separated by rests The remaining slur marks are primarily phrase markings Rather than indicating articulation a phrase marking is a guide to shaping the musical interpretation There isn39t really much of a difference When you shift slide on the guitar you are trying to get the note as fast as you can while still making it noticeable that you shifted your hand by hitting the notes in between In the first bars of the Barcarola et Scherzo by Alfredo Casella the piano part has chords with legato tenuto and staccato signs all together What is the correct way to play these notes What could be the intent of the author It does not seem a portato when you have several notes with both staccato and legato like this Is there any difference between glissando and shiftlegato slide Duration of articulations eg staccato tenuto for piano While legato on the same note is a contradiction you want to have this contradiction start as late in the mechanics as possible On a violin using a different string is a nice expedient But the least you can do on the piano is to have the key be the first doubleaction element not your fingers Legato technique is required for slurred performance but unlike slurring as that term is interpreted for some instruments legato does not forbid rearticulation In standard notation legato is keluaran sidney live hari ini indicated either with the word legato itself or by a slur a curved line under the notes that are to be joined in one legato group Legato and staccato in Mozart Music Practice Theory Stack Staccatissimo staccato mezzostaccato portato nonlegato tenuto legato For piano what would be a rough numerical representation of these articulations39 gap duration for note duration of 05 and 1 second Of them staccato nonlegato and legato are the more critical as occurring more often in sheet music BACKGROUND How to play same note legato Music Practice Theory Stack Why include both sempre legato and slur marks Legato is smooth transition from one note to another Exactly that One specific note to another specific note notation Is there a difference between a slur and legato notation Can legato notes be played staccato Music Practice Legato literally means bound together the sounds are connected Staccato literally means detached there39s a space between the sounds So you can39t have a phrase that is both staccato and legato But the symbol we use for legato the curved line over a set of notes is also called a phrase mark And phrases are not necessarily all legato Legato for the movement doesn39t mean every single note has to be legato It could mean that you might wish to play the staccato notes slightly less staccato than you would in a movement not marked legato It39s really up to you I personally think that movement sounds better if the staccato notes are mezzostaccato What is the difference berapa tinggi net bola voli untuk putra between legato and portamento

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