lingsang - Banded Linsang Wildlife Conservation Society Linsang download yt1s any of three species of longtailed catlike mammals belonging to the civet family Viverridae The African linsang Poiana richardsoni the banded linsang Prionodon linsang and the spotted linsang Prionodon pardicolor vary in colour but all resemble elongated cats They grow to a The Asiatic linsang Prionodon is a genus comprising two species native to Southeast Asia the banded linsang Prionodon linsang and the spotted linsang Prionodon pardicolor 4 5 Prionodon is considered a sister taxon of the Felidae 6 Characteristics Linsang Treedwelling Carnivorous Solitary Britannica The Banded Linsang is found in many parks and reserves throughout Thailand and they could be a draw for wildlife observers Economic Importance for Humans Negative none noted Conservation Status CITES Appendix II IUCN Red List Least Concern More information Other Comments The banded linsang is the rarest of the civets The range of the spotted linsang includes eastern Nepal Sikkim Assam and Bengal in India Bhutan northeastern Myanmar northern Thailand Laos northern Vietnam and western Sichuan Yunnan Guizhou and southwestern Guangxi in southern China It is uncommon to rare throughout this rangeIt is rarely observed in northern Bengal It primarily inhabits evergreen forests and shrubland Spotted linsang Facts Diet Habitat Pictures on Animaliabio The banded linsang grows to 35411 cm 138162 in with a long tail that can reach 362 cm 143 in 3 It is a pale yellow with five dark bands The average weight is around 700 g 25 oz It has broad stripes on its neck and its tail consists of several dark bands with a dark tip Prionodon linsang the banded linsang The linsangs are four feliform species two in Asia kasur kapuk and two in AfricaThe whole group was put in the Viverridae in a subfamily The two pairs are The species of African linsangs are Poiana leightoni Leightons linsang Poiana richardsonii African linsang The species of Asiatic linsangs are Prionodon linsang Banded linsang ADW Prionodon linsang INFORMATION Banded linsang Wikipedia Asiatic linsang Wikipedia The Banded linsang Prionodon linsang is a carnivorous mammal native to the Sundaic region of Southeast AsiaThe name of these animals originated in the Javanese language as linsang or wlinsang and previously was translated incorrectly in English dictionaries as otter Banded linsang is a striking small carnivore which its long tail can reach up to 362 cm almost as long as its head and body length which ranges between 350411 mm In Indonesia it only occurs in Sumatra Java and Borneo They usually eat birds tree rats snakes and other small animals Linsang Simple English Wikipedia the free encyclopedia Banded Linsang Facts Diet Habitat Pictures on Animaliabio Banded linsang facts for kids Kids encyclopedia The linsangs are four species of treedwelling carnivorous mammalsThe name of these species originated in the Javanese language as linsang or wlinsang and previously was translated incorrectly in English dictionaries as otterThe two African species belong to the family Viverridae and the two Asiatic species belong to the family Prionodontidae Linsang Wikipedia In 2013 a banded linsang was recorded for the first time by a cameratrap in the hill forests of Karen State Ecology and behaviour The banded linsang is nocturnal and usually solitary It is carnivorous with its diet consisting of small vertebrates such as birds rats and snakes Very little is known about homo homini lupus the banded linsangs reproduction
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