master data hk - Policies Laws Guidelines and Technical Standards slotted serving spoon Policies Overall Policy The Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint promulgated by the Government in December 2022 has set out promoting digital economy development and developing Hong Kong into a smart city and accelerating the development of digital economy and smart city to enhance citizens quality of THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG FACULTY OF SCIENCE Master of Data The Master of Science in Data Analytics and Business Economics is thoughtfully designed to serve the increasing demand for talents in the area of data analytics and business economics in Hong Kong and other parts of the world Master of Data Science MDASC is a taught master programme jointly offered by Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science host and Department of Computer Science Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics Curriculum Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics About Us The programme aims to produce dataanalytic graduates to meet the growing demand for highlevel data science skills and to prepare graduates to apply data science techniques to knowledge discovery and dissemination in organisational decisionmaking Normally only students who have completed 6 compulsory subjects 18 credits and 1 Academic Integrity and Ethics subject 1 credit with GPA 30 or above at the end of Semester 2 will be considered for Option 2 HKU Master of Data Science Key to Big Data mstatcdshkuhk Policies Laws Guidelines and Technical Standards Master of Data Science Master of Statistics Tips for new comers The University of Hong Kong 852 3917 4152 852 2858 9041 mdaschkuhk Faculty of Science Master of Data Science MDASC is a taught master programme jointly offered by Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science host and Department of Computer Science HKU Master of Data Science Key to Big Data The wellbalanced curriculum of the MDASC Programme adopts an interdisciplinary and comprehensive pedagogy of both statistical and computational concepts and methodologies underpinning applications are not limited to business or a single field alone said Professor Li Wai Keung Chair Master of Data Science Taught Postgraduate Programme Master of Data Science University of Hong Kong Students will learn the major components of big data including infrastructure data integration storage modeling and management computing systems analytic and mining systems security policy and social implications as well as human factors and big data applications in various fields data science The curriculum of the MDASC programme adopts a wellbalanced and comprehensive pedagogy of both statistical and computational concepts and methodologies underpinning applications that are not limited to business or a single field alone The curriculum is designed to provide graduates with training in the principles and practice of data science Candidates should have knowledge of calculus and algebra computer programming and introductory statistics and should have taken at least one university or postsecondary certificate course in each of these three subjects or related areas Master of Science in Data Science MSDS Data Science and no togel bunglon 2d Analytics concerns the use of mathematical statistical and computing techniques to extract useful information out of largescale data and make decision out of it It is widely recognized that Statistics Optimization methods and Computer Science form the three pillars for modern Data Science Study Data Science Master at The University of Hong Kong Master of Data Science MDASC University of Hong Kong The programme offers great flexibilities for students who wish to take a general approach or a specialized theme in Risk Management Data Analytics or Financial Statistics For a specialized theme there are core courses and elective courses for students to choose from Applications are invited for admission in September 2023 to read for the degree of Master of Data Science To be eligible for admission to the programme a candidate shall satisfy both the University Admission Requirements and the Programme Specific Requirements as listed below Master of Data Science MDASC HKU School of Computing and Your guide to Data Science at The University of Hong Kong requirements tuition costs deadlines and available scholarships Applications are invited for admission in September 2022 to read for the degree of Master of Data Science To be eligible for admission to the programme a candidate shall satisfy both the University Admission Requirements and the Programme Specific Requirements as listed below Programme Master of Data Science MDASC HKU School of Your guide to a Masters in Data Science Big Data in Hong Kong SAR in 2025 Top universities scholarships studying online country subject information more Data Science Big Data Masters in Hong Kong SAR Master of Statistics University of Hong Kong Master Data Science University of Hong Kong Upon completion of the Master of Data Science MDASC programme at HKU and application to RSS via the standard route graduates are qualified to become a Graduate Statistician GradStat designated by RSS While traditional data processing application software is incapacitated the emergence of HKU Master of Data Science opens up a new frontier of highperformance analytics in this era of big data THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG FACULTY OF SCIENCE Master of Data Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics Department Master of Data Science Taught Postgraduate Programmes Master of Data Analytics and Business Economics MScDABE HKBU Artificial intelligence and big data AIBD technologies are experiencing rapid development in society and industry Combining technologies from computer science and machine learning this programme is designed to teach students how to understand and create value from AIBD The objectives of the programme are listed below MSc in Big Data Technology HKUST School of Engineering Master of Science in Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology Specialism Actuarial and Investment Science Specialism Decision Science Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics Master of Science in Operational Research and Risk Analysis Master of Science in Quantitative Finance and FinTech Research Postgraduate Programme Master of Science in Artificial watchwrestling Intelligence and Big Data
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