membuang - buang Wiktionary the free dictionary

Brand: membuang

membuang - Translation of membuang into English throw greenify pro apk banish throw away are the top translations of membuang into English Sample translated sentence Kita bukan orang yang membuang barang yang masih berguna We are not the kind of people that throw perfectly useful things away MEMBUANG English translation Cambridge Dictionary MEMBUANG Terjemahan bahasa Inggris kamus babla MEMBUANG Translation in English babla Begitu juga Yesus berkata bahawa kita perlu membuang apaapa sahaja bahkan mata atau tangan sendiri agar kita dapat menghindari fikiran atau kelakuan yang tidak bermoral Understandably Jesus says that it is more important to throw away anything even something as precious as an eye or a hand to avoid immoral thinking and its English words for membuang include waste dispose discard throw away dump get rid of cast throw out dispense and abandon Find more Indonesian words at wordhippocom membuang verb 1 to throw monyet itu membuang buah kelapa ke bawah the monkey threw the coconut down 2 to throw away to discard dia membuang nasi yang hangus he threw away the burnt rice 3 to banish to exile pemerintah membuang tahanan politik ke pulau Buru the government exiled the political prisoners to Buru island 4 to waste membuang waktu dan tenaga to waste time and energy Derives membuang Wiktionary the free dictionary membuang in English IndonesianEnglish Dictionary Glosbe Being the deepthinking intellectual I am I sat in front of my telly contemplating certain important issues before setting out to watch the 9 oclock show The Champion jnt starring the voluptuous Fiona Xie nobreasted Jeanette Aw and cute Toro Tan I dont know Toros surname so I anyhow buang This page was last edited on 24 September 2024 at 0938 Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike License membuang Bahasa Inggris terjemahan Kamusnet buang Wiktionary the free dictionary Synonym for buang buang is a stem and membuang is the active voice form of buang the passive voice is dibuang and when you buang something accidentally we use terbuang English US French France German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese Brazil Portuguese Portugal Russian Simplified Chinese China Spanish Mexico Traditional membuang in English MalayEnglish Dictionary Glosbe membuang verb 1 to throw monyet itu membuang buah kelapa ke bawah the monkey threw the coconut down 2 to throw away to discard dia membuang nasi yang hangus he threw away the burnt rice 3 to banish to exile pemerintah membuang tahanan politik ke pulau Buru the government exiled the political prisoners to Buru island 4 to waste membuang waktu dan tenaga to waste time and energy Derives How to say membuang in English Find more about membuang the meaning of membuang and translation of membuang from Indonesian to English on Kamusnet What does membuang mean in Indonesian WordHippo MEMBUANG translate cut banish discard ditch dump lose scrap tip cast off dispose of throw away wipe out Learn more in the Cambridge IndonesianEnglish What is the difference between resmi303 buang and membuang HiNative

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