nishinoya - Yu Nishinoya or Morisuke Yaku rhaikyuu apa yang dimaksud rangkaian campuran Reddit Character Analysis 17 Nishinoya Yuu Discussion Spoilers Nishinoya39s Ending Strong and Free rhaikyuu Reddit Yaku vs Nishinoya who do you think is better Why rhaikyuu Like a few others I also thought it was super natural Nishinoyas always been really free spirited ready to conquer whatever comes his way He also likes to try new things and have fun with it cue ROLLLING THUNDERRR As I reread the ending a few times I think the author did a really nice job of tying the story together at the end Favorite Nishinoya moment rhaikyuu Reddit Let39s talk about Nishinoya MANGA SPOILERS Reddit Nishinoya39s main thing is that he39s super athletic and mobile and so is really good at covering for others which becomes less and less useful the stronger his teammates are He can also set though which is a really good skill for a libero to have and we39ve never seen that from Yaku Nishinoya did have higher peaks shown like the foot save or the overpass receive But in the Dumpster battle he had 21 digs which is crazy especially against an offensive team like Karasuno He was able to read seams and hits well even if it39s easier to do so when it39s funneled to him The way Nishinoya speaks about Asahi and his role on the team makes it seem to me that his emotional bond is as much with the role of ace as it is with Asahi himself He defaults to describing him as the ace and in big moments he always internally calls Asahi by the title ace and the way he describes his frustration with Asahi makes cara menangkap tikus di kamar tidur it I like how everyone in here is talking about their favorite Nishinoya moment being in important moments in the anime or some form or story building Mine is the one time Diachi bumps him into falling while in the school commons preparing for nationals The fact that he has a whole inner perv dialogue as he39s falling into a girl Asahi and Nishinoya39s relationship an analysis rhaikyuu WasIs Nishinoya good enough to turn pro rhaikyuu Reddit Nishinoya has fulfilled the name of the libero to an almost literal sense by traveling the world I thought this was a really cool reference to where liberos came from and rounding out Noya39s character Although I hoped that he would stay a libero and go pro this is probably the next best thing Nishinoya39s family name 西谷 nishinoya means Western valley roughly Many Japanese family names are derived from geographical features from what I can remember Hinata is the only Karasuno player whose name isn39t a geographical feature of some kind His given name 夕Yuu means evening nishinoya is a genius just like kageyama is He just didn39t get invited to all japan because 1 liberos are skill specific 2 possibly too immature we got his name dropped and cut off so it39s a cliffhanger for another time i guess lol Nishinoya Going Pro rhaikyuu Reddit Nishinoya39s passing style is also less likely to get an Aset than Yaku39s style It is implied by Yaku that Nishinoya is actually superior to him On top of that as mentioned earlier he struggles a little too much for ANY libero on overhead passing Overall Nishinoya is definitely a genius and slots progresivas a more talented passer
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