oa pb - OAB is a triangle P is hewan fajar pakong lama the point on AB such that APPB53 vec OA2a vec OB2b vec OPk3a5b where k is a scalar quantity Find the value of k V dňoch 181120112024 sa koordinátorky projektu Erasmus s názvom GNSN Growing New Sustainable Networks PhDr Miroslava Hamárová a Mgr Tatiana Richardson stretli s nemeckými a nórskymi partnermi v meste Brémy aby vypracovali záverečnú správu a vyhodnotili výsledky projektu Oregon is among a handful of states that aim to mirror recycling programs that have existed in Canada and the European Union for decades Others are California Colorado Minnesota and Maine It is given that tangents PA and PB are drawn from an external point P to a circle with centre O PA PB Lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal In PAB PA PB PBA PAB In a triangle equal sides have equal angles opposite to them Now PAB PBA APB 180 Angle sum property Obchodní akademie a Vyšší odborná škola Na Příkopech 104 261 01 Příbram I IČO 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