qfuture connect to slot other thread - SOLVED run a function in another thread Qt Forum

qfuture connect to slot other thread - You can use a QtQueuedConnection for surah al mulk sebelum tidur that connection pass it to the connect call which establishes the connection since the signal will always be emitted from a different thread than the receiver objects thread An QtAutoConnection will also do the same thing and add the signal to the event queue of the thread of the receiving object If the receiving thread is blocked and thus never connect their signals and slots create a QThread object move the appropirate object into another thread BUT I need the solution to I am able to connect signals and slots to another object after the moving of the specific object into another thread So the modified version of the code above create the two object create a QThread object kshegunov said in Wait for result from other thread jsulm has suggested the better way The simplest lowlevel thing you can do is to just use a semaphore untested but should work You may be right I need to evaluate QFuture and your semaphore solution but now I at least have a way forward Thanks SGaist said in Wait for result from Using signals and slots to communicate between threads is threadsafe by intent and design as the long as the connection type is appropriate something Qt will establish for itself if you use the default value of QtAutoConnection Note Some APIs see QFuturethen or various QtConcurrent method overloads allow scheduling the computation to a specific thread pool However QFuture implements a workstealing algorithm to prevent deadlocks and optimize thread usage As a result computations can be executed directly in the thread which requests the QFutures result Qt How to create a QFuture from a thread Stack Overflow Note that the QFutureresult function blocks and waits for the result to become available Use QFutureWatcher to get notification when the function has finished rumah aceh execution and the result is available Additional API Features Using Member Functions QtConcurrentrun also accepts pointers to member functions The first argument must be either a const reference or a pointer to an instance The Qt equivalent to this code would be to spawn a new thread using QtConcurrentrun returning a QFuture and waiting for that future to yield a result However in the project I work on the fileopening API runs on a single worker thread which means I cant use QtConcurrentrun This is an established nonnegotiable part of the codebase Concurrent Run Qt Concurrent 681 c QtConcurrentrun emit signal Stack Overflow Solved Connect signals and slots each other in different threads call functions using QtConcurrentQFuture Qt Forum QFuture Class Qt Core 681 QtFuture Namespace Qt Core 681 The signal will automatically detect that the slot is located in a different thread and will dispatch it to the other thread accordingly Using signalsslots makes multithreading a lot easier If you really want to wait for 100ms you should use a timer In a lot of cases this is even sufficient and youll not need a separate thread for that SOLVED run a function in another thread Qt Forum that I need to run in a separate thread and catch when it has finished without blocking the rest of the application I am trying as follows QFutureWatcherchar watcher connectwatcher SIGNALfinished this SLOThandleFinished QFuturechar future QtConcurrentrunFormatSDcardForLivePause watchersetFuturefuture The continuation will be launched in the same thread that fulfills the promise associated with the future to which the continuation was attached Throwing an exception from a slot invoked by Qts signalslot connection is considered to be an undefined behavior if it is not handled within the slot But with QFutureconnect you can throw Wait for result from other thread Qt Forum Solved Running function video jepang vpn apk with QtConcurrentrun Qt Forum

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