sebab - وكان سبب قتله أن أباه استعمله memoriqq slot على الأندلس كما ذكرنا عند عوده إلى الشام فضبطها وسدد أمورها وحمى ثغورها وافتتح في إمارته What does sebab mean in Indonesian WordHippo How to say sebab in English Find more about sebab the meaning of sebab and translation of sebab from Indonesian to English on Kamusnet What does sebab mean in Malay WordHippo What is sebab Tradukka sebab maksud di Kamus Bahasa Melayu sebab Malay Indonesian meaning translation WordSense Both have almost the same meaning Sebab is like saying because quite similar use with Karena Penyebab is saying the cause of something So their similarity is saying the cause of something SEBAB English translation Cambridge Dictionary What is sebab in English Tradukka Sebab is an Indonesian word that can mean because cause motive or ground Learn how to use it in different contexts and sentences with English translations and pronunciation sebab Wiktionary the free dictionary Sebab means cause reason or motive in English Find out more translations examples and usage of sebab in the free MalayEnglish dictionary powered by Oxford Languages What is the difference between sebab and HiNative sebab Indonesian Origin history From Arabic سبب Conjunction sebab because Noun sebab plural firstperson possessive sebabku secondperson possessive sebabmu thirdperson possessive sebabnya reason What is the difference between sebab and HiNative sebab is a word in Indonesian and Malay that means reason or because It comes from Arabic sabab and has various forms affixations compounds and synonyms in both languages sebab adalah yang mengakibatkan sesuatu fasal kerana lantaran mula Lihat maksud contoh dan perkataan sebab di Kamus Bahasa Melayu English words for sebab include because cause since reason why account through in that cos and inasmuch as Find more Indonesian words at wordhippocom SEBAB Translation in English babla سبب Wiktionary the free dictionary English words for sebab include reason cause causal causes reasons and reason of Find more Malay words at wordhippocom sebab in English IndonesianEnglish badut psikopat Dictionary Glosbe Carian Umum Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu Arti kata sebab Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI Online Definisi 1 apaapa yg mengakibatkan sesuatu asal mula Mereka sedang memikirkan utama perkara itu berlaku 2 kerana lantaran Dia sakit perut terlalu banyak makan buah mempelam muda bersebab ada sebabnya Jika tidak kenapa engkau menangis menyebabkan mendatangkan atau menimbulkan sesuatu menjadikan sebab mengakibatkan Apa yg SEBAB is a conjunction that means because in Indonesian Learn how to use it in sentences and see examples from the PASSWORD dictionary because for reason are the top translations of sebab into English Sample translated sentence Dan mereka akan mengkhianatimu cepat atau lambat sebab itu sifat dasar mereka And theyll turn on you sooner or later because its in their nature SEBAB Translation in English babla Karena vs Sebab Because vs Cause in Indonesian Talkpal What is sebab sebab meaning and definition se183bab 1 n hal yang menjadikan timbulnya sesuatu lantaran karena asal mula segala akibat Sebab is a noun in Indonesian meaning cause or reason It is not a conjunction like karena so it cannot be used to directly connect clauses Instead it is often used to state the reason for something more formally or in a written context sebab Bahasa Inggris terjemahan Kamusnet Learn the meaning and usage of the Malay word sebab in English See examples of sebab as a conjunction noun and adverb and compare it with other translations Definisiarti kata sebab di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia KBBI adalah 1 n hal yang menjadikan timbulnya sesuatu lantaran karena asal mula segala akibat Sebab is more informal than kerana Additionally sebab can be used in front of a sentence when you are asked to provide a reason For example Question Kenapa kamu lambat Why are you late sebab meaning definition and translation Indonesian se183bab 1 n hal yang menjadikan timbulnya sesuatu lantaran karena asal mula segala akibat ada English sebab in lyrics shut down blackpink English MalayEnglish Dictionary Glosbe
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