skyrim slot 60 - For other slots very rare cases site There is three new keywords and conditions for them that work on any item you can wear slots dont matter NoModestyTop treats that item as top cover NoModestyBottom treats that item as bottom cover NoModestyAll treats that item as full cover Changing an armor from the body slot to slot 60 rskyrimmods Reddit 3 Armor addon record can have multiple slots assigned must include slot used in NIF file Due to this 3 part slot assignment there can be no clean way for a mod to do this at run time in the game Not without multiple NIF files and multiple armor and armor addon records all ready to be swapped out when a user selects a different slot any armor would work im trying to use mod armor but for a simple example how would you make ebony armor occupy slot 60 changing both the armor and armor addon in tesvedit doesnt seem to be enough Archived post New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast and are grateful for your hard work but heres one thing that would 60 miscFX use for anything that doesnt fit in the list Setting the body slot in Skyrim Adjusting the dismemberment data Armour Addon properties Armour properties In Skyrim you need to set the body slot used by a piece or armour in two places In the Dismemberment data of the nif file In the Armor addon and Armor items in the Creation Kit Questions about armor slots when it comes to modes adding GameFAQs A mod to change which slot items equip to Mod Ideas Nexus Mods Forums Is slot 60 safe to use for extra armor piece rskyrimmods Reddit Good question And hard to answer with certainty without access to the creation kit But i think your best bet is the cheat room mod In the cheat room is a chest called other with a bunch of items called ring equip slot 30 head or ran mouri 31 hair 32 body 33 hands etc all the way up to ring equip slot 60 unnamed and ring equip slot 61 FX01 Bodyslots and keywords visually explained at Skyrim Special Edition Skyrim LE Nexus Mods Forums The Nexus Forums Skyrim bodyparts number Nexus Mods Wiki 44 is the SAME NUMBER as the slot for Biped Object I selected in my Armor and ArmorAddOn properties These numbers MUST MATCH otherwise your meshes will be invisible when equipped in game Choose at random If everybody uses the same slot for their custom meshes items will start replacing other items End of Tutorial Now for the Possibilities I want to make a armor piece that uses slot 60 or was it 61 for mesh equip so that Itd appear on 1st person without change to race data Basically wearing two pieces of glovesgauntlets Is this safe to do so Will the armor piece prevent other things appearing on player or whatever Thanks in advance Now in the bottom window you should see partitions and expand the arrows until you find BSDismemberBodyPartType Click on the entry under the Value column and change the slot of the armour to 60 or whatever Remember this slot number has to be the same as the one in its esp Checkchange it in the CK under armouraddon and armour Happy modding ƒv D ó P sÿïÛÿžÅÐxgÙâdÒìÓìÐæ½ÉÉá ëb dÉÑÁíÿö HY¾¾FÜ bˆÙâ Ïnï½ùC Ùª2Vé jYÈÊ ÛSáÜÊ Under There Changing Armor Slots at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus If you use Schlongs of Skyrim full version go into MCM and set your armor as revealing Its script tries to hide slot 52 undergarment private part not to be exposed when the wearer puts the torso part armor slot 32 on based on the vanilla slot assignment The concept of the modular armor is not 100 compatible with this SoSs dealing Item slot change made it invisible Skyrim LE Nexus Mods Forums The Lower part of mod armors keep disappear slik ojk cek when i equip Reddit
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