stamper - Does anyone have a YouTube ReuploadArchive slot tambang of Fairy Wish What does stamper do nowadays rSleepycabin Reddit Archive of StamperTV39s Last Youtube Video MGS 3 Trailer page Stamper just seems to be capitalising on it a bit and its just prolonging drama Ik sleepycabin is dead now more than ever but I hope all the boys are doing good and flourishing with their own projects hope stamper gets sober and well enough to get decent work again And I wish mick look with his being sober journey and hope you are doing well What39s going on with stamper rSleepycabin Reddit Looks like Stamper won39t be returning as Sir Pentious Stamper is notorious for being blunt about things and saying whatever he thinks without filter his constant release of his insecurities anxieties and depression is hard to deal with especially because he is constantly joking and it makes it hard to tell how he is really reacting most of the time if you try to address his emotional or Will Stamper voice of Sir Pentious was apparently just He was already going through a really dark point in his life burning bridges left and right with everyone and doing everything he could to get banned off of all social media But just when it seemed like maybe there was recovery and a light at the end of the road it went out I hope things pick up for Stamper I truly do Stamper rSleepycabin Reddit Stamper was always my favourite and I really looked up to him creatively growing up he was a huge role model of mine and I always thought he was really cool and funny It was even my dream of mine to download lagu bunda rita hire him to voice a character in the game I39m working on what happened to stamper rSleepycabin Reddit Work place sexual harassment there39s a transcript online somewhere I couldn39t make much sense of it It mostly talks about failures to provide someone39s YouTube history I39m not going to pretend like I know what happened or if he was even directly involved I wish Stamper would ditch his fanbase and stop spending his life bitching and moaning online then acting like a wise sage This dude tanked his entire fucking life on a whim and continues to lash out at random whenever he feels like it he hasn39t made some mistakes he39s always going to be the same bitter shithead Stamper Sir Pentious has had a massive drug problem his old roommates Oney Zack and Mick Husk have been trying to get him help but with his episodes he lashes out constantly at his friends to the point of getting banned on twitter multiple times But Stamper burned every bridge he had with them forever ago so now while theyre basking in the spotlight over the success of their tv series debut Stamper is languishing in a jail cell Zach Mick and Chriss careers are better than ever while his career is officially down the toilet Stamper Says to Leave Oney and Drama alone rSleepycabin Stamper It was such a funny and classic video that I had it saved on my Favorites playlist but now that it looks like StamperTV39s account is permabanned it39s no longer available I looked on YouTube and only ones I could find where either in other languages or edited out a segment or did chezug slot some distortion to it
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