surat an najm - Read and listen to Surah AnNajm april jasmine The Surah was revealed in Mecca ordered 53 in the Quran The Surah title means The Star in English and consists o AnNajm Wikipedia Quran Chapter 53 in English The Star anNajm Read Listen Surat AnNajm The Noble Qur39an القرآن الكريم AnNajm 1 Arabic النجم annajm meaning The Star is the 53rd chapter of the Quran with 62 verses The surah opens with the oath of the Divine One swearing by every one of the stars as they descend and disappear beneath the horizon that Muhammad is indeed God39s awaited Messenger Surah AnNajm 53 Translation Transliteration and Tafsir Surah AnNajm 162 Qurancom Quran Chapter 53 translated to English The Star anNajm The best Quran translation clear pure easy to read Text Audio Search Download Nor does he speak from his nusa365 login own inclination One of soundness And he rose to his true form While he was in the higher part of the horizon And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer And he revealed to His Servant what he revealed The Noble Qur39an in many languages in an easytouse interface Then Allah revealed to His servant what He revealed through Gabriel And he revealed to His Servant 1 what he revealed ie conveyed The Prophets heart did not doubt what he saw The heart 1 did not lie about what it saw Surah AnNajm النجم 531 By the stars when they fade away Surah Najm The Star with Translation Transliteration and Tafsir You can read and learn the meaning of all 62 ayats in this surah in detail revolver4d Surah AnNajm 162 Qurancom
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