vixal - Vixal Unilever

Brand: vixal

vixal - This document provides a safety data mimpi terjebak sheet for Vixal toilet bathroom Cleaner It lists the product identifier manufacturer details hazards identified composition and first aid measures The product is classified as hazardous and causes severe skin burns and eye damage Vixal helps protect Indonesian families from germs and bacteria in the bathroom Vixal thoroughly cleans all stains on porcelain ceramic mosaic and similar surfaces With Vixal39s powerful formula cleaning the bathroom is easy clean and fragrant Vixal Pembersih Keramik Pors Biru 750mL Klik Indomaret Vocalist Guitarist Music Composer Written VixalProduced VixalPiano String LavenGuitar Bass CharlieMixed Mastered VixalArtwork Prosnix Vixal LeftMeAlone Single Vixal is a porcelain cleaning liquid that can quickly remove all stains on toilets porcelain surfaces ceramics mosaics and the like With the active ingredient of acid HCl Vixal is able to restore the clean surface of the surface of your toilet or other surfaces Safety Data Sheet SECTION 1 Identification of The Substance VIXAL YouTube Vixal Floor and Toilet Cleaner PT Citra Sukses International Vixal pembersih porselen kamar gamis brokat modern mandi HCl anti kerak ekstra kuat dengan formula yang tangguh membersihkan noda membandel di kamar mandi dan memberikan keharuman yang segar Cairannya ampuh untuk membersihkan segala noda pada permukaan dinding lantai dan porselen di kamar mandi serta kerak toilet Vixal toilet bathroom Cleaner SECTION 1 Identification of the substancemixture and of the companyundertaking 11 Product identifier Product name Vixal toilet bathroomCleaner Product code G62201550 Product description Bathroom cleaner Product type liquid Other means of identification Not available Vixal Left Me Alone Official Lyric Video YouTube Vixal Unilever Vixal turut melindungi keluarga Indonesia dari kuman dan bakteri di kamar mandi Vixal membersihkan secara maksimal segala noda pada permukaan porselen keramik mosaik dan sejenisnya Dengan formula tangguh dari Vixal membersihkan kamar mandi jadi mudah bersih dan harum Vixal Unilever SAFETY DATA SHEET Unilever Professional Vixal Pembersih Porselen Ekstra Kuat merupakan pembersih porselen yang telah tersertifikasi HALAL dari LPPOM MUI sehingga aman untuk digunakan seluruh rumah tangga Cara menggunakan Vixal Kuat Harum sangat mudah Vixal Pembersih Porselen Kamar what is megaways slots Mandi Ekstra Kuat 750ml

