warna emerald green - Emerald Green Color Meaning Symbolism and kingdom77 Shades The Colors Meaning Learn about the color hexadecimal code 50c878 also known as emerald or Paris green and its RGB CMYK HSL HSV and other values See how it looks as text background border and in color schemes shades tints and tones Emerald RGB Color Code 50C878 Emerald Green Color Codes The Hex RGB and CMYK Values That You Need Learn about the color code RGB HSL CMYK and LAB values of Emerald Green 046307 a dark greenish hue with high saturation Explore the color harmonies of Emerald Green with analogous complementary splitcomplementary and rectangle palettes Emerald Green Its Codes and Best Color Combinations Emerald Green Color Code is 046307 Pale Emerald Green Hex C2FFC9 RGB 194 255 201 CMYK 24 0 21 0 Very Light Emerald Green This gentle almost pastel green exudes a sense of calm and serenity It symbolizes new beginnings and growth and is reminiscent of early spring foliage Very Light Emerald Green Hex 9EFFAA RGB 158 255 170 CMYK 38 0 33 0 Light Emerald Green Emerald green is a deep jeweltoned green that is named after the precious gemstone It is a color that represents wealth elegance and rejuvenation and can be used in fashion interior design and product design Emerald Green Color Hex Code Palettes Meaning Figma Emerald Green Color Psychology Pine Green 01796F is darker and more subdued echoing the deep forests and providing a natural earthy counterpart to emerald greens brightness Sea Green 2E8B57 introduces a lighter more muted tone maintaining the natural vibrancy while offering a softer approach to the eyecatching brilliance of emerald green Shades serasi 88 slot of green Wikipedia The hexadecimal RGB code of Emerald color is 50C878 and the decimal is rgb80200120 The redgreenblue components are 50 80 red C8 200 green and 78 120 blue Emerald is a green gemstone Because of its color the word emerald is often used to describe Pokémon Emerald The emerald green hex code is 50C878 Like all greens emerald green is made by mixing blue and yellow paint Theres no exact ratio for how much of each color to use but the more blue you add the darker the hue will be Shades of green Emerald green has sometimes historically been known to as Paris green Imperial green or Learn how to create emerald green in different graphic systems using the emerald green color code Find the hex RGB and CMYK values shades variations and complementary colors of emerald green Everything about the color Emerald Green Canva Emerald also called emerald green is a tone of green that is particularly light and bright with a faint bluish cast The name derives from the typical appearance of the emerald gemstone 39 The first recorded use of emerald as a color name in English was in 1598 40 Ireland is sometimes referred to as the Emerald Isle due to its lush In a RGB color space the emerald green color is composed of 314 red 784 green and 471 blue Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 60 cyan 0 magenta 40 yellow and 216 black It has a hue angle of 140 degrees a saturation of 522 and a lightness of 549 Emerald part organizer 25 slot brand kenmaster 50c878 hex color ColorHexa
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