world of warships no vacant ship slot - How do I manage my vacant slots rWorldOfWarships Reddit

world of warships no vacant ship slot - How do I manage my vacant jelaskan cara membawa korban tenggelam slots rWorldOfWarships Reddit You can only have a limited amount of ships at one time as many as you have port slots The game starts you with a few you can earn a slot though a mission as you have just witnessed and you can buy them for gold the premium currency You also get a free slot when you buy a premium ship You can only have a limited number of ships in Port You can see the number at the far right of the row of ships you have If you want to have more ships than you have you will need to obtain more ship slots You can get them in some missions but otherwise you need to buy them with the premium currency the Doubloons World of Warships General Discussions Topic Details atreides123 Jun 17 852pm Vacant ship slot question I have been playing various ships in the tech tree to see which ones I like and i noticed that atm I only have 6 vacant ship slots left Can more slots be added or will I have to sell some ships to make some room if needed it says no vacant places but there arent any commanders in Reddit Vacant ship slot question World of Warships General Discussions Yes there are often 50 discounts on port slots But here are a few tips to get as many slots as possible for free Always pick up as many ships in early access events as possible They always come with a port slot The port slot and included commander make most free EA stuff decent to good value Always keep your port full What are vacant slots rWorldOfWarships Reddit Slot when buying a ship World of Warships General Discussions Black friday gave you a chance to buy them at 50 off I bought 60 slots for 9000 doublooms a savings of 9000 doublooms so when I unlock all my ships In game only have 35 slots left All ships tier 5 pns porn thru 9 are unlocked just half my tens are left and Im done Which ones should I upgrade I sold almost all the tier 1 Or was it tier 0 ships you get from the start and I am right now focusing on grinding japanese tech tree My goal is to reach Yamato Should I sell my elite ships I really wish I could keep every ship I bought but it seems to me thats not possible Yep and keep your eyes open for missions that give more port slots Also sometimes containers can give you port slots so over time you will get more without spending a dime For myself I love collecting ships that I had fun in and when they put port slots for sale at half price I bought a bunch World of Warships Tutorial Ep11 Port slots YouTube Ship Slots World of Warships General Discussions Steam Community Ship slots World of Warships Blitz Here is a trick of how to get unlimited captain slots Anytime you have a temporary ship like subs for example make sure you assign a new captain to it If you dont have any vacant slots when subs rental expires the game will give you a free reserve slot in order to accommodate the sub captain I am at 115 captain slots and I have never bought This ones for Steve Thanks for the question If you want to be next make sure to leave a question in the commentsLets talk about how to get port slots fo Port Slots rWorldOfWarships Reddit Do all ships need a slot No unlike other Wargaming titles Premium Ships in World of Warships Blitz do not need a ship slot So there is no need to sell a premium ship to make room for a different ship How to get a slot You can either purchase an additional slot for gold or free an existing slot by selling one of your ships New to the game cant buy ship slot front end developer World of Warships General

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